Summer 2014 Season Awards
November 8, 2014 in weekly-singles-results
To be eligible for awards, you must play in at least half of the weeklies of the season (12 or more for this 23 week season).
Final Standings for the season:
 1st Place – – Doug Jensen (-8.96)
2nd Place –Â –Â Jeff Faes (-7.46)
3rd Place – – Tie!  Stick Williams and Scott “Bizzle” Badovick (-7.08)
Most improved handicap from last season :
 Life Gibson – (2.88, a 2.47 stroke improvement)
Andy Nguyen – (-2.025, a 2.3 stroke improvement)
Joe Martinez (0, a 1.67 stroke improvement)
Weekly Warrior Award:
 Mike Figueroa and Matt Barclay– 23 weeks! Perfect attendance for the season.
Weekly TD Award:
 Dan Tarango – 5 weeks.
Congratulations to all the winners!