Planned Formal Actions for 11/21/2024 Meeting

November 20, 2024 in Announcements, Club Communications, Club Information, Uncategorized

As mentioned in our earlier email, we have been on a 2+ year journey preparing to apply for:

  • 501(c)3 non-profit tax exempt status with the IRS
  • Tax exempt status with the State of CA

These are important and necessary milestones to ensure the long-term stability of the organization. At a high level, we’ve had to complete several significant tasks In order to qualify for tax exempt status on the state and federal level:

  • Form a corporation (new legal entity)
  • Open new bank and Paypal accounts
  • Draft bylaws that ensure we comply with the requirements for tax exempt status
  • Draft a Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure form

Despite our best intentions and efforts, several of these tasks have taken much longer to complete than anticipated. As a result, we are now up against our filing deadline with the IRS (within 27 months of formation).

Meeting Actions and First Formal Board of Directors

At the meeting on Thursday evening (time & location here), we the “initial directors” must take several formal actions that are required prior to applying for tax exempt status with the IRS and State of CA:

  • Adopt the Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Disclosure Form
  • Set the exact authorized # of directors to 5
  • Appoint 2 additional directors to the board
  • Set initial terms of all 5 BOD members
    • 2 will be 3 years, 3 should be 2 years (staggered, per bylaws)
    • After which all terms are 2 yrs per bylaws
  • Elect officers of BOD (1-yr terms)
  • Adopt fiscal year (ending 12/31)
  • Approve applying for federal and state tax-exempt status

Chris Tirrell is the “incorporator” of the corporation but has decided to step down from his role as Vice President of the club (legacy organization). In order to facilitate a smooth transition, Chris has appointed the remaining officers as the “initial directors”:

  • Shawn Mercy
  • Mike Sale
  • Harper Alexander

We are pleased to announce that the above initial directors have identified two very capable club members to fill out the board of directors:

  • Chloe Stein
  • Kevin Smeds

While several other club members have expressed interest in joining the board, we have decided it would be best to limit the number of members at this point in time. We genuinely appreciate the interest other members have shown and hope that you’ll continue to support our mission in a variety of ways. We can increase the size of the board in the future as we evolve as a club and organization.


Once the board is complete and our terms have been set we will proceed to elect officers of the BOD. We have discussed this topic at length and have decided on the following officers for a 1-yr term:

  • Shawn Mercy – President
  • Harper Alexander – Vice President
  • Mike Sale – Treasurer
  • Kevin Smeds – Secretary

While Chloe will not be an officer in this cycle, she will play an important role on the board of directors offering her perspective and ensuring the voice of the community and underserved demographics are represented in the formal decision making of the organization going forward.

Bylaws Feedback

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to review and provide comments on the draft bylaws. We will review the feedback during the meeting and speak briefly regarding why we have or have not made changes to the bylaws in response to the feedback.

Other Agenda Items

As we mentioned in our first email regarding this meeting, the first half of the meeting will focus on updating everyone on membership, the course, past and upcoming tournaments, club finances, and other important topics. We will not have as much time to discuss some topics as we have in the past but will make sure to cover the important topics in as much detail as possible.

One Last Thing

We need a TD for the 2025 Birthday Bash! Alex Georgopoulos has been the TD the past 2 years and is happy to support the next TD (team?). If you are interested in this opportunity and are not able to attend the meeting, please reach out! We are targeting Saturday, March 29th, 2025 as the date for the event.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading and we hope to see you at the meeting!

Thank you,

Shawn, Harper, Mike, Kevin, and Chloe


2024 BTC – FINAL Tee Times for Saturday

January 5, 2024 in Announcements, Events


  • Tee times are FINAL (with some exceptions, after communication)
  • If you are unable to play, please contact the TDs ASAP
  • Saturday Tee Times are below; looking for Friday Tee Times?
  • Go here for more information on how we determine tee times for this event.

2024 BTC – PRELIMINARY Tee Times for Friday

January 5, 2024 in Announcements, Events


  • Tee times are PRELIMINARY and subject to change
  • We will try to accommodate requests to move your tee time back (please contact one of the TDs or Andy Rothschild)
  • If you are unable to play, please update your registration to “Membership Only” as soon as possible
  • Friday Tee Times are below; looking for Saturday Tee Times?
  • Go here for more information on how we determine tee times for this event.

2021 Membership and Bag Tags

January 22, 2021 in Announcements, Club Communications, Club Membership

Get your 2021 SFDGC Bag Tag During Membership Week!

>>Link to Disc Golf Scene<<

>>2020 Weekly Rankings<<


A Tough Decision

We’d like to thank EVERYONE who has supported the San Francisco Disc Golf Club over these past 12 months. No one could have anticipated the challenges that would be presented to our planet, our country, our city, and our club. Despite these challenges, our community grew, adapted, and continued to enjoy playing disc golf in Golden Gate Park.

Our membership grew to a staggering 444 people (+63 over 2019)! We were able to develop our relationship with SFR&P into a productive partnership. The support from SFR&P, coupled with strong member engagement, enabled us to get some great work done on the course!

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and state, county, and city health ordinances, SFDGC leadership has made the decision to cancel the 2021 Bag Tag Challenge. This tournament normally occurs on the 2nd weekend of January and serves to kick off our membership drive each year.

Your membership dues pay for course maintenance & improvements, club events, and allows the SFDGC to support disc golf tournaments and new courses throughout the region. If you would like to learn more about member benefits and how the club utilizes membership funds, please check out our website.

We have been discussing options for kicking off the 2021 membership year and issuing bag tags. As of January 20th, our region is NOT projected to meet the criteria required to lift the “Stay at Home” order through at least February 20th. We cannot promote any sort of organized play while the “Stay at Home” health order is still in place.

2021 Membership & Bag Tags

Given the uncertainty, we are moving forward with opening up the 2021 Membership Year and issuing new bag tags designed by Todd Kurnat (visit his website)!

  • Purchase during “Membership Week” on Disc Golf Scene (>>LINK<<)
    • Tags 1 – ### will be issued
    • Receive code for 1-month trial to the Disc Golf Network (issued on Wednesday, February 10th)
    • See below for details
  • Purchase after “Membership Week” on the club website (
    • Members will be issued next available bag tag number
  • The cost for 2021 Membership and Bag Tag will be unchanged at $40

Membership Week Details:

  • Membership Week opens Monday, February 1st @ 6PM PT
  • Membership Week closes on Sunday February 7th @ 11:59:59PM
  • Membership Week Bag Tags #s will be determined as follows:
    • Top 50: Per Rankings for all 2020 Weeklies + Membership Status
      • Ranking determined by player average for all weeks played
      • Played at least 10 of the 31 weeklies in 2020
      • Must be a 2020 Member
    • Tags 51 – ### will be issued by random assignment
  • Tags will be available for pickup on Saturday & Sunday, February 13th & 14th
    • FREE RAFFLE: Must pick up your tag to be entered
    • Help us save $ on time and postage!
    • If you are unable to pick up your tag, we will mail them out ASAP

NEW FOR 2021: Women of SFDGC Tags

As previously posted in our Facebook group, the SFDGC would like to do more to support women disc golfers who are — or would like to become — members of the club. Introducing “Women of SFDGC” bag tags is one action we are taking to make space for and recognize the women disc golfers in our community.

  • Issued in addition to the standard SFDGC Member tag (no charge)
  • Serialized starting at #1
  • Unique colors

Potential Mid-Year Bag Tag Event

If possible, the club will host an event later in the year when we are able to obtain a permit. The current concept would be to issue Commemorative Tags to players with the top scores. This could also be an optional tag round for anyone willing to pick up their tag at the end of the day. Currently, there is no way to project when this event could occur but we will let you know when we have more information.

While 2020 was a challenging year in so many ways, we are extremely grateful and proud of our disc golf community. We have demonstrated resilience, adaptability, and our bonds have been strengthened in many ways. We know big things are in our future and can’t thank you all enough for the support.

Sincerely — Your Club Officers,

Shawn Mercy – President
Chris Tirrell – Vice President
Steve Erle – Treasurer
Harper Alexander – Secretary


December 9, 2020 in Announcements, Club Communications

As you all are likely aware, the Bay Area is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. In order to mitigate this surge and associated impacts to our health care system, SF County and surrounding Bay Area counties have implemented a new “Stay Safer at Home” health order.

After careful consideration of the San Francisco County health order (No. C19-07p), the SFDGC officers have determined that the Sunday Weekly must be put on hiatus until further notice.

While the health order does allow for people to play golf, a new restriction makes it problematic for the club to continue facilitating the Weekly:

“For golf, groups must be limited to members of a single Household;”

Given the language of the health order, we would advise everyone who does play to stay vigilant and do their best to not invite complaints.

  1. If you have any symptoms, STAY HOME. Even if you have tested negative, others around you may not know that and will not feel comfortable.
  2. Wear a face covering.
  3. Keep your distance from others. Even if the person is in your household, observers may not know that.
  4. Keep your hands clean!
  5. Follow all COVID-19 precautions and protocols displayed on signage at the course, and encourage others to do the same.

We are hoping that this pause in the Sunday Weekly is short and we are able to get it going again in the not-too-distant future.

This community has shown its true colors during these difficult times and we couldn’t be more proud and grateful to be part of it! Please continue to do your part by staying safe and healthy.

Thank you all for your support!

Your SFDGC Officers,
Shawn Mercy – President
Chris Tirrell – Vice President
Steve Erle – Treasurer
Harper Alexander – Secretary

Sunday Weekly –> UDisc Leagues Scoring

July 17, 2020 in Announcements, Events

In an effort to eliminate any risk of COVID-19 transmission through handling paper scorecards, we have decided to adopt UDisc Leagues for collection of scores for the Sunday Weekly. Please review ALL the information below, here, and here PRIOR to attending a Sunday Weekly. 

REMINDER: TDs will disqualify anyone who is egregiously not following the posted Health Precautions and Distancing Protocols.

1. Sign-up and Payment:

You must sign in with the TD before your round*. The TD will record your name and whether you have paid or not. Bring exact change, $5. Any bills above $5 will be viewed as a donation to the club.

*You may begin your round before the TD arrives, but YOU MUST create your UDisc scorecard PRIOR to starting your round so that we know you are on the course and owe $5. In this situation, you must pay before Hole 10.

The Weekly entry fee is $5. $4 goes to the week’s payout, and $1 goes to the Ace Pot. You must have an established handicap (2 previously recorded weeklies) to be eligible for payout. Players without a handicap can enter the ace pot but the cost is still $5.

2. UDisc Check-in:

To play the weekly, YOU MUST HAVE A UDISC ACCOUNT. If you do not already have a UDisc account and do not want to download the app yourself, you can have a cardmate check you in with a username and email address, which will create an account for you.

>>Download the latest version of UDisc<<

3. Create a Scorecard:

Find the the “GGP Sunday Weekly” league on the “Events” tab in UDisc. Tap “Check-in”. When checking in, use the same first and last name that you’ve previously used in SFDGC weekly tournaments.

Groups must have at least 3 players to a card, but not more than 4. Please try to create groups of exactly 4 when possible. Follow all current rules of the course that are posted at Hole 1’s teepad and throughout the course.

**One and only one person in each group** needs to create the scorecard for the group. Once all players in a group are checked in, scorecards can be created using the Create Scorecard button. Once the scorecard is created for the group, anyone in the group can also keep score or follow along on their own phone.

If a player needs to be added to or removed from the scorecard after it’s been created, use the menu button in the top right corner of the scorecard and choose “Add / Remove Player”.
**Please note that all changes to scorecards are tracked**

Upon completion of your round, everyone in the group should double check their score. Once this is done, the person with the live scorecard should tap “Finish Round” then “Finalize” to submit your score to the TD(s).

The TD will submit all scores to the league scorekeeper for application of adjusted scores, updated handicaps, results, and payouts. This part of the process is unchanged. All results are published on our website, typically within a few days.

UDisc Leagues BETA brings live scoring and real-time leaderboards to your event. You can view the current leaderboard by tapping the Leaderboard button in the scorecard, or by opening the “Events” tab in UDisc and tapping View Leaderboard.

>>More Info on UDisc Leagues<<

There is no charge for a basic account although we urge players to support UDisc by becoming getting your “Pro” subscription ($4.99 / yr). If you are an active PDGA member, you can activate your FREE UDisc Pro subscription by linking your UDisc account to your PDGA membership (“Profile” tab in the app).


July 17, 2020 in Announcements, Club Communications, Events

The Sunday Weekly has resumed as of February 7th, 2021. If you are planning to participate, you will need to be familiar with and comply with the COVID-19 Safety Precautions and Distancing Protocols that have been implemented by SFR&P and are supported by the SFDGC.

  • Health Precautions and Distancing Protocols ARE MANDATORY. We need to be extra cautious to ensure that we can safely run this event for many of you to enjoy. Weekly Facilitators (WFs) will disqualify anyone who is not following the posted Health Precautions and Distancing Protocols. Don’t come if you refuse to wear a face covering. Don’t come if you refuse to keep your distance from others. These minor inconveniences are what will help us keep the course open and The Weekly active during these difficult times.
  • DIGITAL SCORING: We have moved all scoring* to UDisc Leagues digital platform. No physical scorecards will be accepted by the WFs. There is NO CHARGE to create a UDisc profile which will enable you to submit your score. You do not need to install the app on your phone, although we recommend doing so. We do fully support all of the great work that the folks at UDisc have been doing so we would urge you to pay the $4.99 / year for your UDisc Pro subscription. If you are an active PDGA member, your subscription is free.
    *Handicaps, results, and season standings will NOT be published in UDisc. They will continue to be published in this group AND on our website. More info to come on how to use UDisc Leagues for scoring.
  • EXACT CHANGE: Due to several constraints, we will still only accept payment ($5) in cash (no coins). BRING EXACT CHANGE. Our WFs will not be handling cash so if you forget to bring exact change, you’ll either have to figure it out with other players, or may a donation.
  • WINTER SEASON ’20/’21 WILL RESUME: We will be keeping the season schedule set last fall. This means that the Winter ’20-’21 Season will go through the end of March for a total of 18 weeks, 8 short of the originally scheduled 26 weeks. We will then start our Summer 2021 season the 1st week of April and run through the end of September. We will do our best to stick to this season calendar going forward.
  • LIMITED WFs: We will limit volunteer WFs to those that are willing to ensure players are following the COVID-19 Safety Precautions and Distancing Protocols.
  • EARLY STARTS: We will allow early starts (before WFs arrive — by 8am) and payment after 9 holes. HOWEVER, you MUST start your UDisc scorecard at the beginning of your round.
  • LAST GROUPS: You must be paid and in line by the 10am cutoff.
  • CURRENT STANDINGS (through 12/06/2020):

That’s all for now. Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding!

Shawn Mercy
SFDGC President


July 17, 2020 in Announcements, Club Communications

I would like to take a moment to thank all of the responsible & patient people who have been playing Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course safely since the reopening on June 25th!
While it hasn’t been perfect — from what I have observed and been told — we are well into a cultural reset that will allow us to play disc golf safely in Golden Gate Park through a pandemic that has affected our lives in many ways.
I think we need to realize that we are lucky to have chosen a sport that, by it’s outdoor and non-contact nature, is lower risk. However, since we are also a very social and active club / community, we still have our challenges. Challenges that I think we have already proven can be overcome as long as people stay patient, respectful, and welcoming to others.
Having said that, I’d like to give a welcoming shout-out to the Ultimate community. As you can imagine, safely playing Ultimate (a pretty physical team sport) at this time is very difficult. As a result, members of local club teams and more casual players are looking for a new recreational, competitive, and social outlet. I have met many of those new players and have been really impressed not only with their skills but also the willingness to engage with our club and community. Thanks for supporting the club and being respectful of the existing community!
As we move forward, I would like to continue to urge ALL players to follow the Safety Precautions and Distancing Protocols that are posted on signage throughout the course. If there was one practice I would like to see more of it is the use of face coverings at Tee #1 as well as any other location where you are standing close to others.
Please always have your face covering available and when in doubt, pull it up!
If you see someone not following the guidelines, do your best to kindly educate them without being intimidating. A little compassion goes a long way! 🙂
Shawn Mercy
SFDGC President


June 24, 2020 in Announcements, Club Communications


>>GGPDGC COVID-19: Safety Precautions<<

>>GGPDGC COVID-19: Distancing Protocols<<


First and foremost, we hope that everyone is staying safe and sane during these difficult times.  On behalf of SFR&P we would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding of the extended course closure. We have cultivated substantial good will with our behavior and interactions with SFR&P thus far — let’s do our best to carry that forward into a more productive working relationship that can have a lasting positive impact on the course and our community long into the future!


We, like you, have been looking forward to Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course reopening.  We, like you, treasure GGPDGC as a place for exercise, fresh air, competition, and friendship.  We treasure it for the community – the SF Disc Golf Club – that has developed there over the past 13 years, and it’s this community — our solidarity and cooperation — that will be key to keeping the course open going forward.  This reopening plan, and the efforts we make in the coming days/weeks, are bigger than any one of us. We need to be thinking about the community as a whole, not just ourselves and not just disc golfers, when we go to the course.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the extended closure of the course, there will likely be far more non-disc golfers walking through the course who may be completely unaware that the course is there or at least do not realize that it is open again. PLEASE BE PATIENT AND EXTRA COURTEOUS to other park users who you may encounter on the course. DO NOT THROW if the area is not clear!


Life and play at the course will not be like it was before for some time — that’s a sad truth we all have to accept.  The fact is, we need to continue taking measures to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus even while being able to enjoy activities that we cherish — like playing disc golf in Golden Gate Park! 


We want one thing to be very clear: The precautions and protocols that have been implemented upon the reopening of GGPDGC are required by SFR&P to ensure that everyone can safely enjoy disc golf in Golden Gate Park during this pandemic. The SFDGC has worked diligently with SFR&P to ensure that these measures and protocols focus on reducing risk of transmission of the novel coronavirus, while being pragmatic in a disc golf setting. We need to remember that GGPDGC is owned by the City of San Francisco and is located in the middle of a major city. We are simply stewards and users of the facility. Both SFR&P and the SFDGC want nothing more than for people to be able to enjoy this resource — safely and responsibly.

Below this message, you will find links to two .pdfs that cover health precautions and distancing protocols that comprise the reopening plan. These precautions and protocols have been deployed as signage throughout the course. Please take some time to review the content thoroughly as there are some significant modifications to how we will use the facility for the foreseeable future.

GGPDGC COVID-19: Safety Precautions

GGPDGC COVID-19: Distancing Protocols


We understand that some people may be inclined to not follow these precautions and protocols while playing disc golf at GGPDGC. While we hope that people do the right thing for the course and community, the club can only set a good example for others. If your intention is to not follow the rules, please consider playing elsewhere. We can still have fun and enjoy our favorite course while being responsible and considerate of others.

We also ask that our club members and community at large avoid trying to enforce these precautions and protocols. We can calmly communicate to those who may be unaware, but under no circumstances should any interaction be allowed to escalate into confrontation or violence. That is not our role and we need to be the better people if and when this kind of situation arises.

Thank you for reading and we hope to see you out on the course sometime soon!

==SFDGC Officers==
Shawn Mercy – President
Chris Tirrell – Vice President
Steve Erle – Treasurer
Harper Alexander – Secretary




City of San Francisco: Masks and face coverings for the coronavirus pandemic


March 16, 2020 in Announcements, Club Communications, Club Information, Events, The Course



I would like everyone to know that I met with SFR&P and Park Rangers yesterday at GGPDGC. We have been in discussions for a couple weeks now but as you can imagine, things do not move all that quickly. They have a LOT on their plate so your SFDGC officers are doing everything that we can to facilitate the process. In short, we are actively working on a plan for re-opening.
Per City of SF regulations, the facility must have an approved plan in place in addition to signage that will communicate any safety measures and protocols that are needed to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at the facility. This is the same process that any other recreational facility or business must go through in order to operate in the context of the ongoing pandemic.
I apologize for the long period of uncertainty but based on our interactions yesterday, our relationship with SFR&P is excellent and we need to ensure that we keep it that way. The course is city property. It’s that simple.
On behalf of the SFDGC and SFR&P, I would like to THANK EVERYONE who has remained patient during these difficult times. None of this has been easy but we will get through to the other side and will be stronger and more resilient because of this experience.
The next communication will be to outline the safety measures and protocols that will be put in place for playing disc golf at GGPDGC.
Shawn Mercy
SFDGC President
May 29th Update:
We have received word from SFR&P that they are working on a plan for re-opening Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course!
While we do not have a date, we wanted to pass along this good news.
SFR&P also wanted us to thank everyone who has NOT BEEN PLAYING for being so patient and supportive to this point. It has been one less problem that they’ve had to deal with while doing their best to keep the vast majority of the park available for people to enjoy.
Given the update to the City of San Francisco’s regulations on face coverings, we are fully expecting them to be required while you are in the park including while playing disc golf. If you don’t already have a well fitting, light weight face covering, now is the time to acquire one or three.
We would also like to re-iterate how proud we am of our disc golf club and extended community. You are all rock-stars!

04.28.2020 UPDATE: The city of San Francisco has extended the shelter in place. [SOURCE]

03.31.2020 UPDATE: The city of San Francisco has extended the shelter in place. [SOURCE]

03.24.2020 UPDATE: The baskets have been pulled and will not be reinstalled until the city of San Francisco and SFR&P give us permission to do so. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these very difficult times.

I received an email from SFR&P this evening regarding the shelter in place ordinance issued by the city of San Francisco today, March 16th.
Dear Park Partners
Today in response to the COVID-19 crisis and to contain the spread of the virus, the City of San Francisco issued an order to shut down all nonessential business and activities until April 7, 2020. In order to ensure compliance please cease your operations until at least April 7, 2020;
From the city ordinance (LINK):
This order begins at 12:01 a.m. on March 17, 2020 and will continue for three weeks through April 7, 2020, subject to the limited exceptions and under the terms and conditions more particularly set forth below.
I understand this will come as a shock and disappointment to many. We are all hoping that this comes to pass and we are able to open again and enjoy our favorite activity with our favorite people soon.
Please stay safe and take care of each other…from a distance. We are stronger than this damn virus!
Shawn Mercy
SFDGC President