While this is a great resource to have located at the course, it fills up very quickly and takes a lot of time and effort to return a large # of discs to their respective owners. It should be used as a LAST RESORT.
As such, we ask the following of those that find a disc on the course:
- Try to contact the owner as soon as you get a chance. Chances are, they are still at the course and the disc can be returned immediately. You could make somebody’s day!
- If the owner is no longer at the course, try to arrange for a painless exchange rather than just dropping it in the box. They will be grateful that you did!
- If, for some reason, you cannot contact the owner and cannot follow up later, drop the disc in the return box located on the north side of the large sign near Tee #1.
- If the box is full, please just hold onto the disc until a later time. If you are from out of town, try to find a local that can hold onto it.
For owners of lost discs:
- Post to our Facebook group with the description of your disc, name that was on the disc, location it was lost, and whether it has been put into to Lost & Found Disc Box
- Persons with keys to access the box are typically at the course for Tuesday Doubles and the Sunday Weekly. If it has been more than 1 week since your disc was put into the Lost & Found Disc Box, it is likely that it has already been removed.
For discs that are placed in the return box, volunteers will try to consistently:
- Take photos of the discs removed from the box and post them to the SFDGC Facebook Group and at the links below. Come here to check if your disc has been returned!
- We will bring recently “recovered” discs to the Sunday Weekly when possible.
- If “recovered” discs are not claimed within 1 month, the SFDGC will donate them to a good cause.